Here are some recent photos of Sweet Baby James. There are lots more photos from his birth on a site my sister set up. He is two months and five days old today. He has been sick with a cold for the last couple of weeks, but he surely will be over it soon. Mostly he just seems annoyed that the grown-ups are making him spend all of his would-be crib time sitting in his little car seat because it props him up to relieve congestion. I would be crabby if I had to spend 18 hours a day sitting in one of those things, too, but he is taking it in strides like a good little baby. 🙂 Such a happy guy. He is so sweet, and he seems to hate crying, so he’ll do whatever he can to put it off. You can hear him grunting to himself, trying to talk himself down out of his tree, every time something happens that would make any baby cry. It’s so cute. He’s such a good baby!!

Jamie 1

He can already wave, and smile, and play the “I’ll stick my tongue out at you if you stick your tongue out at me” game. He even ate pears from a big boy spoon last night!!

 Jamie 2

He likes sitting on Grandpa’s lap in the big green chair. Poor Cleremont. That used to be his thing. He’s being an awful good sport, though, letting the baby share his turf!

Jamie Kiss

Here’s him spending even more time in his car seat…

Jamie wave

I love being a Mom.